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PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags "springnet blogmarks" & blog

31 January 2008

Eighth Annual Weblog Awards: The 2008 Bloggies

by 1 other
Honor. Prestige. Wealth. These are some of the things that a Bloggie won't bring you. But that won't stop the Web from voting, because this is the annual non-profit competition that determines which blogs are the best of the best.


by 2 others
Nectar With-a-Sting Honey Mustard featured in my V Cuisine cookbook. Of course, I've made other dressings before - the classic vinaigrette, several tofu-based creamy monstrosities - but they don't even come close to the awesome power that is this dressing

30 January 2008

Merlin Mann

Merline Mann's blog SF CA of 43 Folders and MacBreak Weekly nailing down speaking gigs including sxsw 08 creator of 5ives

Lijit | Home

by 9 others
I saw this on Veronica Belmont's blog... it's a custom search for your blog using google,, etc.

28 January 2008 -- From Weblog to CMS with WordPress

by 1 other
This article describes how we used one blogging package (WordPress) to replace a traditional content management system (phpWebSite) to run a community website.

Exclusives: The Tom Cruise Indoctrination Video Scientologists Don't Want You To See

Didn't get a chance to watch the terrifyingly creepy Tom Cruise video yesterday before Scientologists pulled it off YouTube? Well, we've managed to get our hands on a copy and now we'd like to invite you to watch in all its technicolor glory.


by 2 others
Apparently the deal with this card is that you slide it into your iPhone and it somehow magically hardware unlocks your iPhone. I am not an electrical engineer, so I can’t tell you how well this thing will work, but if I had to guess, it won’t.

27 January 2008

Infinite Thinking Machine

a single-purpose wiki for educators to link to and describe their social networking sites. I'm including a snapshot of the list as it is today, but it keeps growing and as it does so provides an interesting insight into the variety of ways that social net

26 January 2008

21 January 2008

The Zeitgeist » About

David HM Spector is an innovator, developer, writer, consultant and entrepreneur specializing in high-performance computing, social network applications and interface agents. His consulting company is Zeitgeist Information Systems, canonically known as

01 January 2008


antiwar blog, nice use of the cutline theme - Upload, Enhance, Share

by 6 others
You can upload many videos at once, and in various formats, too (.mov .avi .wmv .mpeg). You also won't have to worry about file size — just keep any video you upload under 500 Mb.

30 December 2007

One Blog Many Categories or Many Blogs?

Am I better off having one blog site with multiple categories or multiple blog sites highlighting specific interests?’

Web Worker Daily

rebooting the workforce, daily tips on working on the web

29 December 2007

Bootstrapper » The 100 Daily Must-Reads for Entrepreneurs

The 100 Daily Must-Reads for Entrepreneurs Monday, July 23, 2007 at 7:23pm by admin These days, it seems that almost everyone has a blog, so it’s often hard to separate what’s really worth reading from what isn’t. 100 best sites

26 December 2007

Loic Le Meur Blog

by 3 others
Wew, that Seesmic review is a Christmas gift ! Thank you Bobbie Johnson to consider that Seesmic will be a hit website in 2008 even though we are still building it.

22 December 2007 - misc - Best Blogs of 2007 That You (Maybe) Aren't Reading

Last year I decided to put on twist on my annual "best blogs" post [2002, 2003, 2004] by taking a turn toward the obscure. it makes little sense to write a post arguing that Huffington Post is better or worse than DailyKos -- or Cute Overload.

21 December 2007

17 December 2007

Portfolio :: Pragya Web Solutions

free themes for blogs... this is the theme that john dvorak uses on

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